My Experience

Thanks for taking the time to look at my experience. I have been working in the tech industry for over 2 years now. I have worked on a variety of projects ranging from small websites to large scale applications.


Software Engineer

I started working at Blackcoffer as an Associate Software Engineer and was promopted to Software Engineer within 6 months. I have worked on a variety of projects ranging from small websites to large scale applications.

Duration : May 2023 - Present

Location : Remote

Type : Full Time

Technologies : ReactJS, NextJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS, Redux,, GCP

The Odin Infotech

Full Stack Developer

My 6th semester Internship was at The Odin Infotech where I worked as a Full Stack Developer. I mostly worked on the frontend of the application and also worked on the backend a little bit. Here I got to learn a lot about ReactJS and NodeJS.

Duration : Jan 2022 - Jul 2022

Location : Jaipur, India

Type : Internship

Technologies : ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS, HTML5/CSS3, Redux, Saga

Bizlem Pvt Ltd

UI/UX Designer

On my 4th semester I did an Internship at Bizlem Pvt Ltd where I worked as a UI/UX Designer. I designed the User Interface for an Enterprise Resource Planning software mobile application using Adobe XD. I also collaborated with HR and TL to implement UI design changes and new design ideas.

Duration : Jul 2021 - Sept 2021

Location : Remote

Type : Internship

Tools : AdodeXD, Figma, Photoshop

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