
Mrinal Pant



Project Type

Personalized ROAS Dashboard



ROAS Dashboard

A personalized dashboard to help client to track thier ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) for thier Google Ads campaigns. The dashboard is built using NextJS and PostgreSQL. I have also implemented a custom authentication system using JWT.

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  • Implemented RESTful APIs using NextJS API Routes to fetch data from PostgreSQL database.
  • Integrated custom authentication system using JWT to ensure secure access to the dashboard.
  • Used Redux to manage the state of the application. That helped in reducing the number of API calls.
  • Deployed the application on Digital Ocean using Docker. Used Nginx as a reverse proxy server. Used Certbot to generate SSL certificates.
  • Used Prisam to generate the types for the database.

Technologies Used


NextJS, Vanilla CSS, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Axios


NextJS API Routes, PostgreSQL, Prisma, JWT, Nginx, Docker, Certbot


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